Sunday, July 26, 2009

Latest Update on Manneh Case

I have just learned that the proceedings at the U.N. have been delayed re the Chief Manneh case. I am awaiting word as to when a decision will be given and will post this next step when so advised. In the meantime, six U.S. Senators have pressed the Gambian Govt. for information concerning Chief Manneh and his release (but we are certain that he is not alive). In that connection, there is a meeting planned with the Gambian Ambassador to the U.S. that will at least increase the pressure upon Gambia to bring appopriate closure to the case. However, Gambia seems to have escaped major scrutiny for its actions thus far. In the meantime the Media Foundation of West Africa is proceeding on a second case before the ECOWAS Court re Gambia which involves a young journalist who was tortured but escaped upon bail release. More about his story later.