Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Anonymous said...

Nice digs, Dan! And I see you have your bottled water, too! Are you sleeping well? Take care!


kbyron said...

You look happy..very nice photo of you and the people and the apt.
Billy says hi. I just got home
from N.Vernon and he is fine..he
& Ellen will be going to Sarah Scroggins wedding on Oct. 13.
Ann Miller Tallant is better
and able to walk now.
I gave your blog & email to Bryce Mayor. Proud of you. God bless you .
Love, Sis kathy

Denise said...

Your apt. doesn't look half bad! I love the fact that you're going to have a personal cook. :-) Seems like everything is going well so far!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dan,
Sounds like you are busy working
and are pleased with the hiring
of the new gentleman.
All is well here.
The new coach for the Pacers
was at Mass with us at Fr. Mike
O'Mara's church, St. Mary's downtown.
The Pacers won their pre season
game last night.
Take care. God bless. Love, Sis Kathy