Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Meeting Day

I am preparing for my mtg with the atty from Ghana whose name is Akoto Ampaw whom I have mentioned before. The Moroccan Engr who now lives below looks like Saddam Hussein without a mustache. Yikes, I thought this guy was taken care of earlier. Maybe his afterlife has brought him here to haunt me. He always smiles and bows which is certainly different from people I meet in the States.

On another point, my office is close to the Kind David Hotel. I will send a pic later so you can see the hotel and make your own judgment as to whether King David would ever grace his presence there. I can get Larry and Claudette a 10% discount on the already low cost for a room there. Of course, a/c is extra, but you can pick your own chickens off the street for dinner. I do not think that this place has ever seen anything like Claudette's recipes or food in their kitchen.

Well, back to my preparations for the mtg later today.


Anonymous said...

Is Claudette your cook? What is she making for your meals? Glad you stood your ground with regard to the apartment ... Saddam, eh? What a neighbor! Do you bow back?

Deb :)

Anonymous said...

Dan, I am attempting
to write. Very interesting...keep a sense of humor and keep the Faith.
God bless you , Love kathy