Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Power Black-out

We have had a major power black-out here at the apt. The electr went off at 8 last night and after 14 hours of no air and darkness, we are still waiting for a correction. Needless to say, it is somewhat unpleasant. I am operating on battery at the moment. Will work on my litigation plan today. I can feel the heat of the day approaching.


Anonymous said...

Now you sort of know what it's like to live in Baghdad (sans explosions and gunfire).


Ellen said...


Anxiously awaiting your return to the blog. Hope the electricity is back on.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your electricity problems, but I think it must be the norm in many countries. It has been very cool here and the leaves are finally changing colors. The sugar maples are especially colorful. I noticed in the Indianapolis Monthly that Kathy's friend, Mary Ann, was featured in the recent issue. She took care of Doris Day and the article features photos and various experiences concerning her work with Doris.All the best,Linda Stevens

kbyron said...

Please let us know when your electricity comes back on...
oh my..I will call the Carmelites
for prayer for your situation.
It will be so nice for you to be
home...but I know this problem
will too pass..
When I would have problems..
Dad would say to me, "This too
will pass."
Hope you can keep a sense of humor.
God bless you. Love, kathy