Saturday, November 17, 2007

I.U. beats Purdue

I had drinks and a chili dinner at the Betz home tonight, then watched the Ohio State v. Mich. game there. After the game I went home and pulled the I.U. game up on the in ternet on One hell of a game as it just ended with the final being 27 to 24. I suppose that Purdue cannot be feeling too unkindly about losing one game in the last six years but you never know....See you all tom...


Anonymous said...

I tried to write comments twice this week and last week but for some reason they didn't get through. It's cool here but the sun was out today so that helped. Leaves are still falling but everything is beginning to look brown. Notre Dame lost to Navy last week, I think. Rick went to the Notre Dame game today and met his sister who lives in Wisconsin now. All the best, Linda Stevens

Anonymous said...

What a week you have had! I’m so proud of all you are doing there.
I watched the Anthony Bourdain’s segment on Ghana, disappointing overall. It began with the Marketplace at Accra. Apparently, he loves the food in Ghana. He didn’t mention tilapia, so how accurate could HIS report have been!
We’re looking forward to Mom coming for Thanksgiving. Work schedules prevent us from making to the trip to ND. I printed out your blog for her to read which she did and enjoyed very much! I think the podium-picture made the Fridge :-) !
Love you! Alice