Thursday, November 22, 2007

Our Legal Team

Here is apic of our legal team: Mr. Akoto Ampaw of Ghana, me amd Mr. Femi Falana of Nigeria.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Dan! from…Ed, Alice, Becky, Drew, &, Blanche
We love you, miss you, and are thankful for YOU! We will remember you in a special way at our table this evening.

kbyron said...

Happy Thanksgiving!Sounds like you are accomplishing your goals in Africa..Congratulations.
Billy, Dick, John & David & myself
are completing the Day by watching
the Colts Game and hoping
for victory.
Will be anxious to hear your arrival
back here on Dec. 1 and anxious
to see you and hear your stories.
God bless you. Love Always, Kathleen